My Hard Drive Can't Be Read??
Shutdown your computer and check harddrive wiring and pullover setting on all devices connected to this harddrive next to the same cable. There can't be more afterwards one Master and Slave on the same controller. Also if you chose a CS (Cable Select) route on one of them the rest MUST be set to CS as well.
Reboot your computer and while it boots stop the process to enter BIOS. Check if you can detect your harddrive in attendance.
If it is not a system drive and you can boot windows, unscrew <Control Panel><Administrative Tools><Computer Management>
Got to Storage, Disk Management
Check if you can see you drive there.
If nought worked, it sounds as a bad drive. You conceivably able to salvage some notes from it, but not use it.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.
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